
Hey everyone, feel free to poke around, I recomend reading "First and Foremost First" then reading what you want. Have fun, and POST COMMENTS!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

About Me

First of all, I am no expert guru, but I have done it. I've always wanted my own business but was always in the mindset that I needed to complete schooling and get my DDS and be established before I dabbled in the business world. After returning home from a mission in Brazil and working sucky jobs while going to school, I realized how unhappy I was and decided to make a change in my life. Don't get me wrong, things were great for me! I was cruising in my studies, I found the most beautiful girl in the world and was making plans with her to spend the rest of eternity together, I had the car of my dreams (my practical and realistic dreams of coarse), and a job that was making really good money and even the option to get a better one! So what was wrong, why wasn't I happy?
Granted that I had everything I wanted, my job was the problem. I didn't like my job. Most days I had to go in early in the morning and work 12+ hours doing what I hated. It was driving me nuts! No, it didn't start out that way. I loved it at first but then grew to despise it. Between co-workers, supervisors, crappy customers, and little things here and there I became a grouch. I would be pissed off all the time, I would mess up at my job, get mad at the girl I loved for ridiculous things, the same goes with my family and friends, and worst of all was the fact that I now didn't have time to do anything else. So not only did I hate work but it turned into my life being the only thing I was able to do. I had to get up super early and would work so hard and late that I was exhausted and would go to be almost as soon as I got home just to get back up early once again the next day to repeat the process. As you can see I was very eager to get out of it.
Finally one Saturday morning, in the middle of work, I called my supervisor and told him I was done. I quit. Well crap; it was bitter sweet. I was finally able to relax but with no money coming in and expenses piling up I knew I was on a bad path I had to do something. Not only were my personal expenses rising but I needed money so I can buy an engagement ring and have money for her and I when we get married! I was in a tough spot.
I began looking frivolously online for jobs and businesses for sale (I had been only somewhat looking before hand, more like window shopping). I knew I didn't want to work a lame job every again in my life and seems like all the fun jobs 1. don't pay anything or near enough, or 2. you don't just apply for those, they are given you by some sort of hook-up or years of schooling. Well crap again. Finally one day I stumbled across a guy selling his business here in my city. I shot him an email and waited for his reply. He ended up calling me a few hours later and told me about the business and his situation. Naturally I asked him loads of questions to get a good feel for the business. Sounded like a solid deal to me, but there was a problem.
He was asking more than I had. We ended our conversation on good note and I told him I'd think about it and call him later. He had more interested buyers anyways. I figured it would be just like all the other businesses I have called. Just more knowledge about another company and business. Nothing else. That night I called the guy back and told him how much I liked the business and wish I could take it off his hands (he really wanted to get rid of it because he had way too many things on his plate at the moment), but I simply couldn't come up with what he was asking. Sorry.
To my surprise he said that it was fine and that he could finance me more than what we had talked about early because he liked my enthusiasm towards the business! I was ecstatic! In the end with whatever savings I had, a few hundred borrowed from a relative, and nearly one grand on a credit card I had purchased my own completely turn-key business full with inventory. The guy I bought it from also helped me out by letting me pay him back as I went with no specific deadlines. Thank YOU!
The business is run completely online. (My first NIGHT of ownership I made $500, yes I was in bed fast asleep while I made my money) I have to do so little, it's wonderful! Currently I have been spending a lot of time (nowhere near as much as a real job mind you) on growing the business. Soon I plan to have it all completely self-running or you could say on autopilot with friends and siblings doing the little that is hands on. ie: shipping the products, or in person marketing around Vegas.
As you can see my business wasn't handed to me. My parents aren't rich either and didn't help out at all, in fact, I kept this a secret from everyone but my girlfriend. Anyone can do it and I'll show you how.
I still look for businesses for sale and contact many to see how they are. I will be posting my findings on here, along with my comments, for anyone that is interested.
Get out there and do it.

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