
Hey everyone, feel free to poke around, I recomend reading "First and Foremost First" then reading what you want. Have fun, and POST COMMENTS!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lawn care business... No money down!

Here is a business that I stumbled across the other day. It is a lawn care business where the owner is retiring. He is willing to let someone take his business over and simply make payments to him overtime. So you are essentially being handed a business. Sweet.
Here are the numbers for this business: gross monthly income is $17,000. The expenses total to $8,000 a month. That leaves the new owner $9,000 net profit per month. The cost to pay back the business $1,500 per month leaving the new owner with $7,500. Hopefully the business continues to do well and keep both the current clients and employees and even expand the business. Then the new owner can hire someone else to manage the business while he relaxes on the beach in another country while making money!

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