
Hey everyone, feel free to poke around, I recomend reading "First and Foremost First" then reading what you want. Have fun, and POST COMMENTS!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Resume Website

This is a website aimed to posting resumes for the $100k+ salary range. The posted as was as follows:

Completely automated four year old business. 100kresumes.net KEYWORD SEARCH:
"100k resume, 100k resumes, 100k resume writing, 100k resume sample, 100k resume samples, 100k resume example, 100k resume examples, 100k resume template, 100k resume templates, 100k resume writing, 100k resume writing sample, 100k resume writing samples."
Great traffic and revenue with automated business that sells and delivers 24/7/365 No special skills or time needed. The overhead is only $13 a month. Automated cash machine provides $1100 a month for doing nothing. Confidential information and verification available to serious buyers.
Another ad for this same business read:
Completely automated business that is four years old. Sells 24/7/365. No inventory, shipping or customer service. 70% return. Overhead is only $14 a month and the business requires ZERO time or effort. Verifiable traffic and revenue.Top ranked on all three search engines
So, being intrigued I emailed him for more info. I was emailed this:
Let me give you the highlights of the business.
1. Established five years
2. Completely automated
3. Outstanding product
4. Great search engine market, one million searches a month for resume and cover letter keywords and phrases
5. Great search engine rank with Yahoo and MSN (huge traffic growth potential with Google)
6. Total monthly over head only $12
7. No customer service
8. Not a get rich quick scheme, just a solid performer
9. Gets 175 unique visitors a day with a huge upside with regard to growth via Google rankings and overall search volume
10. Zero cost of goods sold
11. Has averaged over $11,000 a year in net income
NICE. This is the kind of business I like to find. Only problem is the asking price. I find it pretty high. I don't really know how you should find the worth of an online business such as this. Can't say I don't blame him, I know if it were me I would be asking something around that as well, generally around 1-2 years worth of income is what I think a business is worth. The problem is that it doesn't make very much so that rule kinda goes out the window.
Other than the asking price, for someone who has $15k or so I feel is looking at a great investment so long as they can assure that the site will continue to make at least that much for a long time. It should do that if not more. An extra $1100 each month or more for doing NOTHING is very nice. If a college student were to invest his student loan in this one time fee, it would pay for his schooling instead of taking out triple that for school in smaller spread out payments. I just couldn't justify forking up $15k on a business that only makes $1k a month. Needs to do more than that for me. Unless of coarse $15k was nothing to me then I might be more interested.


Here is an online business that works with a very unique niche. He sells butterflies. Here is the ad I first found for his business:

Hello I am selling my online customer activities fast. Look at the pictures decide if your willing to have an income for life. I can stay on til you are bringing in the revenue you want. You will learn all the trade secrets. Where to acquire free inventory. How you can connect to others in the field. No accounting needed as All records are on lined and automatically compiles itself for year end review. Made a grave error in my investment portfolio so I have to sell. email me for the online. If $100.00 per/day appeals to you. Looking to do this by Monday Morning the deadline I am facing.

I emailed the owner wanting to know more he sent me this :

Paste the above link (he sent me the link but I don't feel right disclosing that info on the web) to view the ebay store. Will be listing new material so you can see activity.
please have specific questions..ready by Saturday eve as i will submit a due diligence proposal so you can make clear decision on the process of reviewing the books. Paypal and ebay maintain all the financials. Much of the business has very proprietary details such as my competitors list in weekly lots not daily or during holidays
so there's a lot of untapped demand.
Also there is no debt or high end odd expenses. Postal delivery is the only regular ongoing costs. Packaging materials and even a substantial amount of inventory costs you next to nothing.
This is the right time as the holidays are fast approaching so coming aboard now will help you better understand upper end profit potential.

So really he did answer one of my main questions regarding the site and how he sells which is through ebay. Ebay is not my favorite to use because they charge to post an item and they charge a percentage when the auction closes and they charge for everything in between. Anyways, he did not send me an asking price. I email him back asking for it and have not received a response yet. I started messing around his site and his ebay profile. I found his past transactions for the past 90 days. According to that he is NOT making $100 a day. In fact for the month of September he has only done $500-$600. Many of the deals he does are under $5.

To me this business is more hassle than it's worth. All that customer service and shipping takes a huge toll and lots of time. It is the worst part of most businesses. And sadly he has to do a LOT of it to make much money due to the low prices. Granted some prices I saw in the $30's and around there and even one in the $70's.

But at the same time if you could get someone to do the shipping for you, or if you want to do it yourself it is profitable. Especially if you can get the free inventory that he claims to receive. If you are lucky enough to find someone to pay (either a commission percentage per shipment or flat fee) to ship each unit then you can work just from your computer anywhere in the world and be making money. Probably not enough to live off of, but enough for a little extra spending cash! Not bad if you really don't have to do too much by paying someone else to work for you.

Nevertheless I'm still not very interested unless he is asking under $500. Then I would look into a little more, try to increase profits for a period of time then turn around and sell it to someone else.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sometimes you can find good deals and sometimes the market is bare

I have been looking and looking everyday for the past few weeks for more examples of businesses to put up on this blog. Sadly I report that even though I have talked to maybe 9 new and different businesses for sale, non were very good. At least not good enough to bother putting up on this site.
I have however contacted a local friend of mine who works one on one with businesses to help them get ready to sell their businesses. I am in the process of arranging a time to meet with her and get some information from her about businesses that she has seen and what makes a good business and what makes a bad one.
Also, I have contacts with a business broker who does very well in Las Vegas selling other's businesses. I will try and set up a meeting with this person as well and get as much information as possible. Besides I have found that most business brokers do very well, might as well see what it's like first hand. Who knows, maybe I'll become one or one of you will decided to afterwards!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Smog Check

I have found a man who opened a Smog check station just to sell for profit...sadly he did this at a bad economic time. Usually a business like this would sell for good money, but right now everyone is worried for whatever reason. This guy is so desparate to get this business out of him name so he doesn't have to be there that he's willing to let someone just take it over and make payments to him.
I once asked a smog station in Las Vegas, NV how many customers they get on an average day. He replied an astounding 80 on a good day, 50 normally and anywhere as lows as 20 on a really bad day. That is incredible. I wonder how acurate that is though.
So quickly throwing some numbers together an average smog check costs $20. $6 has to be paid to the DMV. That leaves a $14 profit. Times that by the worst days of just 20 cars per day and you get $280. If you have someone else running your booth for you then you will pay them nicely at $120 M-F and $150 for Sat. So your weeks gross earnings are $1,680 but you have to pay your workers which totals $750 leaving you with a net profit of $930. Times the net profit by 4.3(average number of weeks per month) and that comes out to $4,000. Now you have to subtract the cost of own this business (rent, phone, utilities, etc.) which is $1000 (that's high) which leaves you with $3,000 total pre-tax net profit for the owner. And that is just 20 cars a day! Try that with the 50 car average....

Lawn care business... No money down!

Here is a business that I stumbled across the other day. It is a lawn care business where the owner is retiring. He is willing to let someone take his business over and simply make payments to him overtime. So you are essentially being handed a business. Sweet.
Here are the numbers for this business: gross monthly income is $17,000. The expenses total to $8,000 a month. That leaves the new owner $9,000 net profit per month. The cost to pay back the business $1,500 per month leaving the new owner with $7,500. Hopefully the business continues to do well and keep both the current clients and employees and even expand the business. Then the new owner can hire someone else to manage the business while he relaxes on the beach in another country while making money!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

"The Four Hour Work Week"

I must say that if you really want to start your own thing but have no idea where to begin, then read this book. Even if you do know what you want or already have it. READ IT. The ideas in this book are fantastic and it is literally step by step to how to own your own business or change your life to work only 4 hours a week OR LESS.

Friday, September 5, 2008

An Internet Biz Selling an E-book

I ran across a business today, I have some mixed feelings towards this kind of stuff because it just seems so shady to me:

"My business is for sale, website earned over $1,500 a month. Email me if interested and I'll send you info. Then you can make me an offer. Best off takes it. That's it. I emailed him and am awaiting reply."

That was all it said. So curiosity got to me and I emailed him. And this is a version of what I got back:

The business is for sale for $1000 or best offer. This business is easy to run and it can be ran from anywhere you can get an Internet connection! You're going to get the exact same sales page website I use to generate a decent income online. You're also going to get the very same marketing methods I used to drive tons of free traffic to my website.
See revenue made in the past 2 months from this website. (the revenue was just over $1000 in July and just over $1600 in August. You could see each day how much, if anything, was made and how many items sold)
The cost of running this business is only hosting, $4.95 a month. That's it, there is not a single other cost in owning this business. No merchant fee's or anything because it uses Paypal. I marketed my website by email. What I would do is simply send broadcast emails saying learn to get "free grant money" and say in the email reply if you wish to receive more information. Then when someone would reply wanting more information that's when I would forward them the URL of my website. That's it and it's simple. I used a email spider software to generate all the email addresses for me to market to and I used free yahoo, gmail and hotmail account to send the emails. Only the buyer will get the name of that software along of a free copy of it. I am selling the business because I am going to stay focused on 1 or 2 websites, not 3 or 4 like I have been. So I'm selling off this one. I'm not getting out of this industry. I'll still continue to market online, just not this website. The e-book is delivered to the customer immediately after payment. The e-book is digital and there is never any inventory or stock to keep. The only real work involved in this business is sending emails. If you research this domain you will see it was just recently purchased. Understand, I am selling you the original website sales page I used, not the original domain. I have owned that domain for years and used it on many websites, therefore I will not included it in this sale. The domain has absolutely no effect on how much the website makes, it all comes down to how you marketed it.
Here is what you get.
Domain & Website
Email Spider Software: (this is the software used to gather the emails.)
30 day support
Business Start up Plan: Covers everything from A-Z about running the business and website. You will learn everything from how to market your new website by use of email like I did. I'll even show you the same Broadcast Emails I used for marketing this site. You'll get it all in this Business Plan.

I spent around 2-3 hours a day marketing this site, so about 10-15 hours a week. I have legal rights to be selling this e-book. (He then showed me the license to the e-book that he has). Yes, if you bought this business you also would have legal rights to be selling it.

Alrighty then. So after getting all the info I wanted through a series of emails back and forth I feel like I know enough about it and that it isn't just some scam. This site does make money, but it's no AdSense site where you just site there and people come and go and you get a check. No, you have to work to bring in the money, and not that much of it. 10 to 15 hours of work a week is a lot of time to just make a hopeful $1000 or more. At the same time, for a college student or a stay at home mom this would be wonderful! You can work around your schedule and still have money at the end of the month to pay bills with. And it sounds like pretty easy work too.
If I were to get this business I would only run it by myself for the first month or so just to get a feel for it and work out any kinks till it's a fine tuned money making machine. Then I would hire out virtual assistants to do all my work for me so I just sit back and work just one hour a week instead of 10-15.
Here it is in more detail. You can get a VA (virtual assistant) for $4/hr to $25+/hr. The pricier ones are equivalent to hiring someone with a PhD while the $4 ones are just basic. Luckily, for this business all you need is basic! They just need to send emails! So hire 2 VA's for 2 hours each day with a set of very detailed instructions as to what to do. Then they will be doing all your work for about $480 A MONTH! That's it. You now just have to sit and once a week for one hour get on the computer, have Paypal transfer your balance to your bank, and pay your VA's fees, and make sure all is going well and edit any to do's for your VA's. Done. Now the money you are making isn't much. But you now have two people so you should hopefully double your income to a minimum of $2000 a month minus your VA's fees of about $500 and you get your $1500 a month. Not too shabby Scooby-Doo.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hot Dog Concession Stand

Ok get this one,

It is a hot dog concession stand that is located in front of a Home Depot. The owner is asking $150k for it! and claims that the owner will make $75-$100k+ a year....that is a lot of hot dogs.
Here is his posting:

I am on to bigger and better things…. So it’s time to sell the hot dog stand. This is an ideal business for a hands-on operator. The unit is located in front of Home Depot, so foot traffic is guaranteed – even more so when the housing market rebounds. All permits and licenses are current – as we are permitted to remain on premises over night. Home Depot charges a very modest rent. All utilities are included. This business has been on location for about 8 years and we have built a very loyal customer base. Almost all the equipment in the unit is less than 2 years old and training will be made available upon request. This is a very fun and easy business to operate. I’m asking $150,000 for the business. The new owner should expect to clear that within 2 years in the current market conditions. When the housing market improves, new owner can expect to make $100K+.

Honestly, who would buy something like this?! You could go set up the exact same thing at another Home Depot for less than 5% of what the guy is asking! (and you can add much better food choices like Acai or churros )

An Internet Business

A few weeks back a stumbled across this business. It is some college guy who is married and moving from one state to another with his wife to go back to school for whatever reason. Anyways this guy has two websites. One is a supplements site (sells legal steroids and all that sort ) and the other was just a one page site attached to his supplements site, but with no links. He was trying to sell off this other page to someone.
I emailed him about it and got the following information along with web address.

It is site that just 'sells' blockbuster all-access passes. BUT FOR FREE. I looked more into this because the site seemed ridiculously easy to create, very very simple looking site with giant banners to click on that send you to the block buster website to sign you up for a free two week trial and additional pages that give more information as to why you should do it and info about the all-access pass. That was it. I found that block buster pays $38 to all affiliates (anyone can be one) to sign people up for this free two week trial. So this guy just became an affiliate and used PPC (pay per click advertising) to market the site and drive traffic to it and presto.

Here is the majority of an email he sent me talking about it:

It is definitely a site that you could run from anywhere. Here is some more information about the site. If you are interested, just let me know...
Currently, I have it as a sub-domain on my other website. The reason for this is simply because it costs less to pay for one hosting account instead of two. For the new owner, we could either leave it how it is (the new owner would not have to pay hosting), or get its own domain name (the new owner would have to pay for hosting).
The site has a relatively simple concept. For each person that signs up for Blockbuster's Total Access free trial, the site makes $38. Fortunately, it is not very difficult to get people to sign up for a free program. So, that just means that the owner's main responsibility is to drive traffic to the site. I'm a pretty lazy person, so I don't stand on street corners handing out fliers. For the most part, I use pay-per-click advertising. The nice thing about that is that it is automated. This means that I set up the advertising initially, and then it keeps working for me even when I'm taking a nap on the couch. The site does not require much work right now. That is mainly because I set it up initially so that it would run itself. I spend maybe 3 hours per week on it. That time is mostly just maintenance and upkeep of the advertising accounts. Sometimes I'll make some adjustments to them, but for the most part I just keep an eye on them to make sure that everything is running smoothly.
I'll be providing complete training of everything you'll need to operate the site, advertising accounts, etc. I'll do all of the initial transferring / setting up of accounts for the owner. Then afterwards, I'll keep a very close eye on it until the new owner feels comfortable doing everything on his own. Even after that happens, I'll still be available to answer any questions. The guarantee is for real. It will be in writing and will be honored if need be, although my goal for the site is for it to surpass that mark easily so that I don't have to reimburse you a dime. I just need to get some quick tuition money for my wife and me due to my lack of planning. Anyways, if you have any further questions at all, or just want some clarification, please let me know. I usually answer my e-mails very quickly. You are also welcome to give my cell phone a ring.

Sweet. So he claims to be making at least $1500 but I don't know how much he was spending on PPC. But nevertheless he was asking 9k! for the site and I didn't think it worth it to do so when I could more than likely do the same for around $10 and a day's worth of work TOPS. But maybe not, and if the site really is producing that much he could very easily sell it. Getting a lump sum of cash up front will be a trick but if it really is making a consistent 1500 per month and he could guarantee it, that would be one sweet deal for someone!

Ha ha so I found that he has posted his business up for sale again but now is asking only 7k with a $1400 first month guarantee, or $6000 without. Interesting....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mall Kiosk Business

Here is a business for sale that I found. I talked to the owner and here's the gist of it:

It is a cell phone accessory businesses that is currently has 4 mall retail businesses already open, set up and operating. Great center court locations. Monthly sales average for all carts is $40,000(GROSS) and average net profit is $10,000 per month in the owners pocket. The current owner is moving in October and doesn't want to be an absentee owner. Doesn't think that it'll be worth it to go through all the hassle of setting it up to be an absentee owner. Says he's pricing these for a quick sale for 2 reasons, ( 1. ) He's moving in October, and has been making money since May off of this businesses so he's not losing any money ( 2.) can get a lot more for it if he used a business broker, however that may take 6-9 months.
They have $5-6k worth of products at each store. He paid $1,500 for each display at each cart. Also another $500 for display cases and display hooks and registers. He paid $700 per cart for visual merchandising and another $3,000 for matching packaging. With those purchases alone that is over $30,000. This deal also includes a lease for Red cliffs location. They currently aren't open over there yet, the new owner could set up this location this month or next to make sure they're there just in time for Christmas. (If you don't know Red cliffs is a mall in St. George Utah about 1.25 hours away from Vegas. It has a pretty high average household income and home to a lot of retirees).
The owner is looking for someone to take over as of October 1st. There are employees working right now, the owner and his spouse have always worked the carts as well. The employees will stay on if needed but that will be for the new owner and them to discuss. 1 of the employees has been in the cell accessory business for 4 years and there are at least 3 employees that are manager material. Owner is willing to sign a no competition agreement. Owner can train as well as give suppliers.

The rent is high, BUT they have the best locations in the malls and mall rents are typically high. Stores average gross is $40k.
Payroll on 1,168 hours a month at $8 and $9 per hour (pay is minimum wage plus commission). Also this includes owner and spouse's payroll so the you could profit a little bit more if you look at it that way but payroll is about $9k per month.
For the products, purchase for $.50-$1.75 and sell for $10-15 or, buy for $1.75-$3 and sell for $12.95-20 and items purchased for $3-7 , sell for $20-45. there are even companies that are 50% cheaper than the suppliers currently used but current owner likes to keep things simple and order most my products from just 3 suppliers rather than many just to cut cost a little. So on products they spend about $8k a month.
Rent is $3.5k for each cart, plus the rent in red cliffs is $1k. So that totals $15k per month in rents.
Phone bills and supplies are $200-300 a month.
So average take home is about $10k. Depending on business that can go up or down 10-20%.
As far as what type of accessories that are sold, they sell almost everything. Protector shields, silicone skins, pouches, leather cases, home and car chargers, hands free headsets, stereo headsets, memory cards, screen protectors, lanyards, purses, clip hangers, ipod and mp3 player accessories, but don't sell bluetooths but are able too. Anything cell phone related can sell.

Now here is the kicker: The seller wants out bad, has gone though a bad deal already with someone who said they would buy and turned out flopping on him thus frustrating him more and wasting a good month of his. SO he has very little time to get someone in now. That's where I came in and talked with him. He said he'd take $2k down payment and make the rest of the payment later.
Sweet deal. I told him that if he doesn't find a buyer buy Oct 1 to drop me an email to just take it over and make payments. (and I would talk down the total price as well) NOW THAT is a sweet deal.
Anyone can pick up a free business! What excuses can hold up to that other than they don't want to because they are scared! Make sure you put in the agreement that you will only pay back upon the business making money! That way it will save you of any problems and ensure you that the owner KNOWS that it is truly a money maker and not a problem money pit.
If I were to get the business I would work it hard for a few months till I can get someone else to be there all the time and manage it for me. I just get the money straight into my account. Yea Buddy.

About Me

First of all, I am no expert guru, but I have done it. I've always wanted my own business but was always in the mindset that I needed to complete schooling and get my DDS and be established before I dabbled in the business world. After returning home from a mission in Brazil and working sucky jobs while going to school, I realized how unhappy I was and decided to make a change in my life. Don't get me wrong, things were great for me! I was cruising in my studies, I found the most beautiful girl in the world and was making plans with her to spend the rest of eternity together, I had the car of my dreams (my practical and realistic dreams of coarse), and a job that was making really good money and even the option to get a better one! So what was wrong, why wasn't I happy?
Granted that I had everything I wanted, my job was the problem. I didn't like my job. Most days I had to go in early in the morning and work 12+ hours doing what I hated. It was driving me nuts! No, it didn't start out that way. I loved it at first but then grew to despise it. Between co-workers, supervisors, crappy customers, and little things here and there I became a grouch. I would be pissed off all the time, I would mess up at my job, get mad at the girl I loved for ridiculous things, the same goes with my family and friends, and worst of all was the fact that I now didn't have time to do anything else. So not only did I hate work but it turned into my life being the only thing I was able to do. I had to get up super early and would work so hard and late that I was exhausted and would go to be almost as soon as I got home just to get back up early once again the next day to repeat the process. As you can see I was very eager to get out of it.
Finally one Saturday morning, in the middle of work, I called my supervisor and told him I was done. I quit. Well crap; it was bitter sweet. I was finally able to relax but with no money coming in and expenses piling up I knew I was on a bad path I had to do something. Not only were my personal expenses rising but I needed money so I can buy an engagement ring and have money for her and I when we get married! I was in a tough spot.
I began looking frivolously online for jobs and businesses for sale (I had been only somewhat looking before hand, more like window shopping). I knew I didn't want to work a lame job every again in my life and seems like all the fun jobs 1. don't pay anything or near enough, or 2. you don't just apply for those, they are given you by some sort of hook-up or years of schooling. Well crap again. Finally one day I stumbled across a guy selling his business here in my city. I shot him an email and waited for his reply. He ended up calling me a few hours later and told me about the business and his situation. Naturally I asked him loads of questions to get a good feel for the business. Sounded like a solid deal to me, but there was a problem.
He was asking more than I had. We ended our conversation on good note and I told him I'd think about it and call him later. He had more interested buyers anyways. I figured it would be just like all the other businesses I have called. Just more knowledge about another company and business. Nothing else. That night I called the guy back and told him how much I liked the business and wish I could take it off his hands (he really wanted to get rid of it because he had way too many things on his plate at the moment), but I simply couldn't come up with what he was asking. Sorry.
To my surprise he said that it was fine and that he could finance me more than what we had talked about early because he liked my enthusiasm towards the business! I was ecstatic! In the end with whatever savings I had, a few hundred borrowed from a relative, and nearly one grand on a credit card I had purchased my own completely turn-key business full with inventory. The guy I bought it from also helped me out by letting me pay him back as I went with no specific deadlines. Thank YOU!
The business is run completely online. (My first NIGHT of ownership I made $500, yes I was in bed fast asleep while I made my money) I have to do so little, it's wonderful! Currently I have been spending a lot of time (nowhere near as much as a real job mind you) on growing the business. Soon I plan to have it all completely self-running or you could say on autopilot with friends and siblings doing the little that is hands on. ie: shipping the products, or in person marketing around Vegas.
As you can see my business wasn't handed to me. My parents aren't rich either and didn't help out at all, in fact, I kept this a secret from everyone but my girlfriend. Anyone can do it and I'll show you how.
I still look for businesses for sale and contact many to see how they are. I will be posting my findings on here, along with my comments, for anyone that is interested.
Get out there and do it.

Why and what is this blog about

I have worked lots of lame sucky jobs in my life and never understood why this is what everyone does. I would work my butt of, actually usually just waisting my time doing meaningless tasks, while someone else got the real profits from all my doings. Very quickly I realized that I wanted to be the person doing nothing but getting the majority of the money. I wanted to get into business as soon as I could so I can kiss the 9-5 rat race goodbye!
As I have studied and continue to do so along with putting my new found knowledge into practice I have a completely new outlook on life. Not just for me but for anyone! Really if I can do it anyone can do it! It does take lots of preparations and looking into very carefully, but mostly it just takes guts to go out there and do it. The first step is always the hardest.
In this blog I wanted to address all those who say they wish they could have money or own their own business or put off achieving their dreams of financial freedom because now just isn't a good time. You can and you can now! The stars will never completely align for you! Just switch that brain of yours from 'ok, next year I'll be able to...' (or anything like unto it) to 'Alright, my mind is made up, Let's get busy!'

First and Foremost

I am not a blogger so this is all new to me. I was bored so I decided to jump into the world of bloggers. Be patient with me as I really don't know what I am doing and I'm a horrible speller, but with time and lots of editing and practice I hope this blog will turn out to what I want.